Foods that’ll boost your immunity.

5 min readDec 24, 2022


To live your life to the fullest, you must have a powerful and effective immune system. Overall, your immune system does an outstanding job of protecting you from pathogenic microbes. Our immune system’s architecture is intricate and is influenced by a perfect harmony of many factors, not simply nutrition, and especially not by any one particular food or nutrient. But the best way to prepare the body to fight infection and disease is with a balanced diet rich in a variety of vitamins and minerals, together with healthy lifestyle choices like getting enough sleep, exercising regularly, and reducing stress.

Photo by Marion Botella on Unsplash

We’ll discuss some of the foods that have been shown to strengthen immunity, today.

  • Spices- One of the most well-known and historic immune enhancers is turmeric. Curcumin, a substance found in turmeric, provides anti-inflammatory effects that support immunity. In India, adding turmeric to heated milk or using it in cooking is the most popular way to consume it. However, it’s preferable to eat it uncooked. Turmeric, also known as “Haldi,” is regarded as warm in ayurveda because it generates heat that improves blood flow, stimulates digestion, and improves nutrient absorption. Turmeric offers many health advantages, including warding against colds and coughs, easing gas, getting rid of worms, enhancing digestion, controlling menstruation, removing gallstones, and easing arthritis.

Ginger is one of the few superfoods that deserves the moniker. Who doesn’t enjoy sipping on a cup of energising ginger tea? It not only helps with digestion but also soothes headaches. Antioxidants included in ginger may aid in the prevention of chronic illnesses like high blood pressure, heart disease, and lung conditions as well as support healthy ageing. Slices of ginger can be added to dishes or eaten raw. Make your own homemade ginger candies. ( My personal recipe- Peel the outer skin of the ginger, then chop it into very tiny pieces. Sprinkle some sugar on top of it. You can even add honey. And voila! Your sugar candies are ready. Store them in a container and refrigerate for as long as you want.)

Cinnamon or cinnamonaldehyde may aid in the fight against different infections. The spice has demonstrated its ability to treat fungus-induced respiratory tract illnesses. Numerous research studies suggest that cinnamon extract may prevent cancer. It can be used in cooking just like most spices. If not, you can mix it into your tea.

The immunity of your body helps it fight off sickness when necessary and prevents it from becoming ill in the first place. Garlic provides an immune system boost to help fight off the flu and cold viruses. Children experience six to eight colds per year, compared to two to four for adults. Consuming raw garlic can help prevent colds, fevers, and coughs.

Basil, often known as Tulsi, contains antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal qualities that help keep us healthy and free from infections. It has phytochemicals, bioflavonoids, and antioxidants such as rosmarinic acid, a potent antibacterial that is effective in treating respiratory tract infections. Basil can be eaten in a variety of ways, but my personal preference is to smash the leaves and drizzle honey over them. Tulsi can even be added to tea.

Photo by Susie Burleson on Unsplash

The small fennel seeds are densely filled with fiber. Fiber helps to bulk up and treat watery diarrhea in stomach flu patients, which aids in slowing down and preventing loose or runny bowel motions. Fennel seed water can be consumed, and you can even cook with it. Fennel seed can therefore be eaten both raw and cooked.

Green chilies are high in dietary fiber, which aids in digestion and smoothes bowel movements. Because green chili has thermogenic qualities, including it in your diet can aid in burning off extra body fat. Capsaicin, an ingredient in green chilies, stimulates the mucous membranes in the nose. Thus, by making it thinner, mucus drains from the nose more quickly and the common cold is treated. You can eat it either raw or cooked.

Photo by Tom Hermans on Unsplash
  • Yogurt — When consumed, yoghurt includes probiotics that enhance digestive health. Yogurt’s probiotics are thought to lessen inflammation, which is connected to a number of medical issues, from viral infections to digestive diseases. Yogurt may be used in a tonne of incredible recipes, including “Lassi” and “Dahi vada.” However, I normally like to top mine with sugar and fennel seeds.
  • Vitamin E- Vitamin E is necessary for healthy skin, eyes, and immune system. Recently, vitamin E supplements have becoming more widely used as antioxidants. These substances guard cells against damage. The majority of the time, vitamin E capsules are secure for ingestion by anyone, but speaking with a doctor beforehand is always advised.
  • Fish oil capsules- Omega-3 fatty acids are found in fish oil, a food source. From muscular function to cell proliferation, your body needs omega-3 fatty acids. The normal development of the brain and eyes is helped by omega-3s. They combat inflammation and may guard against heart problems and a reduction in mental capacity.
Photo by Supliful - Supplements On Demand on Unsplash
  • Mustard oil- The oil protects the digestive tract from dangerous diseases and contains antibacterial and antifungal qualities. The body receives the necessary nutritional value from the ideal range of omega 3, omega 5 fatty acids, and vitamin E, which also strengthens the immune system. Pure mustard oil cannot ever be used as a nutritional supplement or used in cooking. Avoid eating or drinking it as much as possible. Like the majority of culinary oils, mustard oil has a wide range of uses.
Photo by Joanna Kosinska on Unsplash

There is a gazillion other foods and spices out there that can do wonders for our body. The above items are just to name a few. Let me know in the comments if I missed out on any such essential item. Hope you found it informative! Happy reading :)

