3 min readMar 18, 2023


“They told me that they already had the skills but in India the problem was there was no political will. Due to the Emergency, and the drastic methods tried during that time, Family Planning had got a bad name. Even though it was now in the 1990s, no politician was willing to promote and get actively behind the issue. Forced and indiscriminate sterilisation in the 1970s had put the whole issue on the back burner. It saddened me that one bad judgement had put our country so much behind.”- says Ashali Verma in her article on population control a must for India.

Photo by Joseph Chan on Unsplash

India is now the world’s most populous country, surpassing China. India has a policy of two children per couple, but is it being implemented?

Prahalad Singh Patel, a member of parliament, sponsored a bill in 2016 that would have restricted Indians to having two children.

But the proposed two-child limit was never even put to a vote.

Local two-child restrictions in India have come under fire for being unneeded, violating the rights of women, and prejudice Muslims.

As of July 2021, India does not have a national kid policy.

What are the possible effects of overpopulation?

Increased demand on resources will result from an increase in global population.

The need for food, water, housing, energy, healthcare, transportation, and other resources will rise as the population grows. And all that consumption increases the likelihood of major catastrophes like pandemics, increases conflicts, and degrades the environment.Population growth will unavoidably contribute to pressures that worsen climate change by increasing deforestation, reducing biodiversity, and increasing pollution and emissions. In the end, many scientists think that the additional stress on the planet will cause ecological disruption and collapse that is so severe that it threatens the viability of life on Earth as we know it unless we take action to help minimise further population growth going into the remainder of this century.

The issue, which is increasingly causing disruption in cities around the world that are also coping with high population growth, is best shown by the extreme case of Chennai. Major cities ran out of water while being the wettest.

The fear of incidents like this happening more often in the future remains.

It is not a surprise that your state could be the next!

What are the reasons for this problem to still persist?

Well, there are several reasons. Most of them we know already. Even though these reasons are taught to us from school we fail to implement them in our daily life. I would like to bring forth a psychological intake on this topic. In our society a women who are unwilling to have babies, are condemed not only by men but by fellow women. Even in the most elite societies, right from the time of childs birth, people take them to follow the one and only path of life that they think is right–the path of education, job, marriage and childbirth. I totally agree that this lifestyle had once brought stability and as saved mankind from being extinct. And even before we know it it has become our comfort zone.

But times have changed, now humankind is far from the danger of being extinct. I ask you all to look within and see who you truely are. You are a human being. You are not meant to be rigid despite the circumstances. You are meant to flow through circumstances like water.

Even though some people try to bring change they are shun down by majority of fools, who think that just because they are doing something for a long period of time, somehow it makes them right.

If we don’t change our self, the universe will. And we may not like it. Covid-19 pandemic was just a reminder. The worst is yet to come.

We must draw inspiration from China and keep in mind that where there is a will, there is a way. And remember the change starts with you.

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Written by RishitaBurman

Fitness by yourself for yourself.

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